St. Lucie Habitat for Humanity

St. Patrick’s Day Gala


An Incredible St Lucie Habitat
Annual Gala


Help build a better St. Lucie by sponsoring the Celebration


Make a tax-deductible donation to build homes for low-wealth residents


Don’t miss out on amazing items! Take Action on Our Auction Now!

Countdown To The St. Lucie Habitat St. Patrick's Day Gala!








Check out February’s Newsletter about the impact of housing on health and our upcoming Playhouse Build! 

A few words from our Executive Director Bob Calhoun
The work of Habitat for Humanity is to create and preserve homeownership that provides low wealth families with shelter, financial stability, and better health. The Department of Housing and Urban Development identified eight principles necessary to maintain a healthy home: keep it dry, clean, safe, well-ventilated, pest and contaminant free, well-maintained, and thermally controlled.
Families with low incomes must often choose between a healthy home that meets these basic standards, and a home they can afford that does not meet them.
Central to Habitat’s mission is our work to provide safe and decent homes for families — homes that safeguard a family’s health, are free from physical hazards, and are designed to be accessible. Habitat also works in advocating for neighborhoods that include healthy amenities such as outdoor space and access to wholesome food sources.
Your support of affordable housing creates improved health outcomes for our friends and families in St. Lucie County.
Executive Director
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